Cosmos Hub Grant deployed by Atom Accelerator DAO (AADAO) to NFT Nashville / IBC Gang for NFT Nashville: Promoting ATOM-usecases to NFT communities
Amount Approved: $9,559
Status: Complete

NFT Nashville: Promoting ATOM-usecases to NFT communities

NFT Nashville is a community-organized, community-focused event for NFT creators and collectors. Their first event in 2023 was a general success, with a 100% attendance rate amongst those who bought tickets.

This grant from AADAO is to sponsor their 2024 event – to be held on November 2, 2024. While previously NFT Creators and Collectors were not an audience that the Cosmos Hub could engage, AADAO now has at least three teams that we are supporting to promote ATOM use in NFT/CFTs:

  • Stargaze – who now allow collections to be ATOM-mintable, ran a successful ATOM August campaign (Aug’24), and have run the ATOM Creators Fund to incentivise out-of-cosmos-ecosystem
  • Superbolt – that allows for NFT fractionalization and NFT’s Defi use cases in the AEZ
  • Asteroid Protocol – allowing CFTs on the Cosmos Hub, with interoperability across the interchain. Onchain activity on the Cosmos Hub previously exploded when Asteroid launched

As such, promoting and supporting NFT communities and events like NFT Nashville fits in with our current efforts to promote ATOM use in NFT.This grant includes:

  • Speaker and panel spots, as well as other programming opportunities for the NFT-related projects AADAO is supporting
  • Ticket purchases for the event will be ATOM-denominated
  • Tickets for the events will be limited-edition NFTs, and will feature AADAO branding
  • A commemorative NFT Nashville inscription collection using Asteroid protocol in ATOM
  • Instructional videos by Cosmos Joe on using ATOM on NFT and CFT platforms
  • Co-marketing opportunities for AADAO supported NFT/CFT projects pre/post event with NFT communities

AADAO’s sponsorship will allow for the team to book a larger venue and accomodate more particiants, expand their team to bring on an experienced event planner, and host an inscription-focused side event. This whole event will also be rolled up into our AtomXYZ program.

About NFT Nashville / IBC Gang
Visit their website

Organizer: Crypto Tank – A long time Cosmos focused YouTuber, NFT creator, and Twitter personality focused on smart investing, Crypto Tank educates audience members on economics and finance. As a Nashville resident, he is the main organizer for NFT Nashville and will stream the event on his channel. Tank is also a partner of Interchain Info, the Cosmos Wiki site.

Co-Organizer #1: Amanda Keay – She is an experienced web 3 event organizer and will be a welcome addition to the NFT Nashville team. Amanda is the owner of “Amanda K Events” which has a track record of putting on various events for Eth Denver and NFT NYC. Her role will include outreach to guests, sponsors, and organization of speaker panels.

Co-Organizer #2: Cosmos Joe – Cosmos Joe, aka CosmosDefi, brings an educator’s background & 7 years of experience to the highly technical, and often ambiguous, crypto space. He advocates for “common man” by highlighting the end user’s perspective with each well-prepared tutorial, interview, or live stream. Joe will serve as master of ceremonies & moderator for NFT Nashville.

Current Status: Complete
Funding Program: Regular Grants

Amount Requested: Amount in their initial application, or for RFPs, their first quote or that of the nearest competitor $9,559
Amount Approved: $9,559 (100%)
Amount Paid: $9,559 (100%)

Date Applied: Jun 25, 2024
Date Approved: Generally includes time spent doing interviews, rescoping or amending the application, and due diligence Aug 15, 2024 (7 weeks)
Date Complete: Nov 02, 2024

Payments Made: View the DAO DAO prop on our Grants Wallet or Mintscan of the transaction $8,000 (Aug'24) $1,559 (Jan'25)

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