Funding Dashboard

As an entity owned by the Cosmos Hub community, we believe in striving for excellence in the way we report our data.

Key stats from our funding programs is listed on this page. To browse the applications we have received and/or approved, visit here.

Want to do something else with the data? You can download the full dataset too!


applications processed since Apr'23


deployed to accelerate the Cosmos Hub and AEZ


of unviable funding requests rejected to safeguard Hub's resources

Atom Accelerator Overview

Total Funding Requests Received (81 approved)
Total Funding Approved across 81 projects
Smallest Funding Approved
Smallest approved amount across all programs
Largest Funding Approved
Largest approved amount across all programs
Average Funding Amount
Median average approved amount across all programs ($75,765 mean)
Projects Funded by Program
Avg Review
5 weeks
15 weeks
8 weeks

*The total budget for the Quadratic Funding Program ($200k) has been acounted for in our Regular Grants program's spend

Average Review Time
5 weeks
Time spent reviewing applications, incl interviews, rescoping applications, and due diligence
Average Grant Amount
median average
($75,765 mean)
Δ Amount Approved
the mean average difference between the funding teams request vs what we approve ($0 median)
Applications by Month
Applications by Status
In Progress
Pending Review
Applications by status, per Category
Projects Funded by Category
Avg Review
ATOM as Interchain Money
5 weeks
ATOM Interchain Data
4 weeks
ATOM Zone build-out
5 weeks
Cross Industry Collaboration
6 weeks
Cross-Ecosystem Collaboration
4 weeks
Developer Experience
6 weeks
Infra & Tooling
4 weeks
Interchain Public Goods
8 weeks
Interchain Security
6 weeks
Marketing, Growth & Developer Engagement
5 weeks
4 weeks
Security Audits & Risk Framework
8 weeks
Uncategorized / Other
3 weeks
8 weeks
Funding Amount per Category

Total amount of approved funding by category, across all our programs

Funded projects by category

Projects with approved funding by category, across all our programs

Currently active projects by category

Projects with approved funding, that our team are actively managing, across all our programs

Data by Funding Program

Total Applications Received (62 approved)
Total Funding Approved across 62 projects
Applications by Status
In Progress
Pending Review
5 weeks
Average time to review applications
Average Grant Amount
median average
($84,951 mean)
Smallest Funding Approved
Smallest approved amount in this program
Largest Funding Approved
Largest approved amount in this program
Delta: Amount Requested vs Approved
mean average
($0 median)

Latest Projects Funded in this Program

DRIP Module
In Progress

DRIP Module

Daniel Harapko | $246,154
ATOM Hacker House – Barcelona 2024
In Progress

ATOM Hacker House – Barcelona 2024

Web3Family | $40,000
Total Applications Approved
Total Funding Deployed across 16 projects via matching pool
15 weeks
Average time between start and end of Quadratic Funding rounds
Average Match Funding/Project
median average
($1,251 mean)
Smallest Funding Approved
Smallest approved amount in this program
Largest Funding Approved
Largest approved amount in this program

Latest Projects Funded in this Program



Hack | $600
Interchain Info

Interchain Info

Interchain Info | $1,560


SecretUnity | $540
Total Investments Agreed
Total Funding Approved across 3 investments
8 weeks
Average time between drafting high-level terms and signing contracts
Average Investment Size
median average
($283,333 mean)
Smallest Funding Approved
Smallest approved amount in this program
Largest Funding Approved
Largest approved amount in this program

Latest Projects Funded in this Program

Venture Investment 3
In Progress

Venture Investment 3

[to be announced] | $100,000
Venture Investment 2
In Progress

Venture Investment 2

[to be announced] | $250,000
Elys Network
In Progress

Elys Network

Elys Network | $500,000

Data by Grant Category

ATOM as Interchain Money
2 projects funded (17 applications)
$200,000 deployed

Eligible Programs:
Total Applications Received (2 approved)
Total Funding Deployed across 2 approved applications
Smallest Funding Approved
Smallest approved amount in this category
Largest Funding Approved
Largest approved amount in this category
Average Funding Approved
median across 2 approved applications
($100,000 mean)
Amount Requested vs Approved
mean delta across 2 approved applications
($18,750 median)
Average Review Time
5 weeks
Time spent reviewing applications before approval or rejection

Note: We rejected $1,489,984 of funding requests for 10 applications, each with an average request of $148,998

Latest Projects Funded in this Category

Stargaze: ATOM Creators Fund
In Progress

Stargaze: ATOM Creators Fund

Stargaze | $50,000
ATOM Gas Station on Leap Wallet
In Progress

ATOM Gas Station on Leap Wallet

Leap Wallet | $150,000

ATOM Interchain Data
3 projects funded (10 applications)
$191,351 deployed

Eligible Programs:
Total Applications Received (3 approved)
Total Funding Deployed across 3 approved applications
Smallest Funding Approved
Smallest approved amount in this category
Largest Funding Approved
Largest approved amount in this category
Average Funding Approved
median across 3 approved applications
($63,784 mean)
Amount Requested vs Approved
mean delta across 3 approved applications
($20,000 median)
Average Review Time
4 weeks
Time spent reviewing applications before approval or rejection

Note: We rejected $251,375 of funding requests for 5 applications, each with an average request of $50,275

Latest Projects Funded in this Category

ATOM Zone build-out
12 projects funded (46 applications)
$1,861,129 deployed

Eligible Programs:
Total Applications Received (12 approved)
Total Funding Deployed across 12 approved applications
Smallest Funding Approved
Smallest approved amount in this category
Largest Funding Approved
Largest approved amount in this category
Average Funding Approved
median across 12 approved applications
($155,094 mean)
Amount Requested vs Approved
mean delta across 12 approved applications
($0 median)
Average Review Time
5 weeks
Time spent reviewing applications before approval or rejection

Note: We rejected $6,044,500 of funding requests for 33 applications, each with an average request of $183,167

Latest Projects Funded in this Category

DRIP Module
In Progress

DRIP Module

Daniel Harapko | $246,154
Superbolt: Bringing Advanced NFTfi to the AEZ
In Progress

Superbolt: Bringing Advanced NFTfi to the AEZ

Superbolt | $125,000

Cross-Ecosystem Collaboration
2 projects funded (17 applications)
$268,380 deployed

Eligible Programs:
Total Applications Received (2 approved)
Total Funding Deployed across 2 approved applications
Smallest Funding Approved
Smallest approved amount in this category
Largest Funding Approved
Largest approved amount in this category
Average Funding Approved
median across 2 approved applications
($134,190 mean)
Amount Requested vs Approved
mean delta across 2 approved applications
($40,810 median)
Average Review Time
4 weeks
Time spent reviewing applications before approval or rejection

Note: We rejected $4,691,418 of funding requests for 14 applications, each with an average request of $335,101

Latest Projects Funded in this Category

MetaMask Snaps Infrastructure for Cosmos

MetaMask Snaps Infrastructure for Cosmos

Mystic Labs | $218,380
MetaMask To Cosmos

MetaMask To Cosmos

Mystic Labs | $50,000

Infra & Tooling
8 projects funded (62 applications)
$543,803 deployed

Eligible Programs:
Total Applications Received (8 approved)
Total Funding Deployed across 8 approved applications
Smallest Funding Approved
Smallest approved amount in this category
Largest Funding Approved
Largest approved amount in this category
Average Funding Approved
median across 8 approved applications
($67,975 mean)
Amount Requested vs Approved
mean delta across 8 approved applications
($0 median)
Average Review Time
4 weeks
Time spent reviewing applications before approval or rejection

Note: We rejected $5,258,784 of funding requests for 51 applications, each with an average request of $103,113

Latest Projects Funded in this Category

Interchain Public Goods
20 projects funded (43 applications)
$552,120 deployed

Eligible Programs:
Total Applications Received (20 approved)
Total Funding Deployed across 20 approved applications
Smallest Funding Approved
Smallest approved amount in this category
Largest Funding Approved
Largest approved amount in this category
Average Funding Approved
median across 20 approved applications
($27,606 mean)
Amount Requested vs Approved
mean delta across 20 approved applications
($0 median)
Average Review Time
8 weeks
Time spent reviewing applications before approval or rejection

Note: We rejected $3,401,500 of funding requests for 23 applications, each with an average request of $147,891

Latest Projects Funded in this Category

Lunar HQ

Lunar HQ

GraviDAO | $1,020
Pessimistic Validation

Pessimistic Validation

Gjermund Garaba | $740
La Multisig Media

La Multisig Media

La Multisig | $1,480

Interchain Security
6 projects funded (14 applications)
$377,000 deployed

Eligible Programs:
Total Applications Received (6 approved)
Total Funding Deployed across 6 approved applications
Smallest Funding Approved
Smallest approved amount in this category
Largest Funding Approved
Largest approved amount in this category
Average Funding Approved
median across 6 approved applications
($62,833 mean)
Amount Requested vs Approved
mean delta across 6 approved applications
($0 median)
Average Review Time
6 weeks
Time spent reviewing applications before approval or rejection

Note: We rejected $410,000 of funding requests for 4 applications, each with an average request of $102,500

Latest Projects Funded in this Category

Economic Model for Interchain Security (PSS)

Economic Model for Interchain Security (PSS)

Pro Delegators | $15,000
Incentivized Testnet for Interchain Security (ISLE)

Incentivized Testnet for Interchain Security (ISLE)

Hypha Worker Co-operative | $50,000
Cosmos Hub Testnet Incentive Program (renewal)
In Progress

Cosmos Hub Testnet Incentive Program (renewal)

Hypha Worker Co-operative | $77,000

Marketing, Growth & Developer Engagement
19 projects funded (85 applications)
$825,199 deployed

Eligible Programs:
Total Applications Received (19 approved)
Total Funding Deployed across 19 approved applications
Smallest Funding Approved
Smallest approved amount in this category
Largest Funding Approved
Largest approved amount in this category
Average Funding Approved
median across 19 approved applications
($43,432 mean)
Amount Requested vs Approved
mean delta across 19 approved applications
($0 median)
Average Review Time
5 weeks
Time spent reviewing applications before approval or rejection

Note: We rejected $2,154,474 of funding requests for 62 applications, each with an average request of $34,750

Latest Projects Funded in this Category

6 projects funded (25 applications)
$467,981 deployed

Eligible Programs:
Total Applications Received (6 approved)
Total Funding Deployed across 6 approved applications
Smallest Funding Approved
Smallest approved amount in this category
Largest Funding Approved
Largest approved amount in this category
Average Funding Approved
median across 6 approved applications
($77,997 mean)
Amount Requested vs Approved
mean delta across 6 approved applications
($0 median)
Average Review Time
4 weeks
Time spent reviewing applications before approval or rejection

Note: We rejected $3,474,483 of funding requests for 19 applications, each with an average request of $182,868

Latest Projects Funded in this Category

ATOM Tokenomics RFP: RMIT

ATOM Tokenomics RFP: RMIT

RMIT | $65,481
ATOM Tokenomics RFP: Blockworks

ATOM Tokenomics RFP: Blockworks

Blockworks | $100,000

Uncategorized / Other
0 projects funded (4 applications)
$0 deployed

Eligible Programs:
Total Applications Received (0 approved)
Total Funding Deployed across 0 approved applications
Smallest Funding Approved
Smallest approved amount in this category
Largest Funding Approved
Largest approved amount in this category
Average Funding Approved
median across 0 approved applications
($0 mean)
Amount Requested vs Approved
mean delta across 0 approved applications
($0 median)
Average Review Time
3 weeks
Time spent reviewing applications before approval or rejection

Note: We rejected $317,050 of funding requests for 3 applications, each with an average request of $105,683

3 projects funded (3 applications)
$850,000 deployed

Eligible Programs:
Total Applications Received (3 approved)
Total Funding Deployed across 3 approved applications
Smallest Funding Approved
Smallest approved amount in this category
Largest Funding Approved
Largest approved amount in this category
Average Funding Approved
median across 3 approved applications
($283,333 mean)
Amount Requested vs Approved
mean delta across 3 approved applications
($0 median)
Average Review Time
8 weeks
Time spent reviewing applications before approval or rejection

Latest Projects Funded in this Category

Venture Investment 3
In Progress

Venture Investment 3

[to be announced] | $100,000
Venture Investment 2
In Progress

Venture Investment 2

[to be announced] | $250,000
Elys Network
In Progress

Elys Network

Elys Network | $500,000

Archived Categories

These categories have been archived, any active grants moved to other categories and are listed below for reference only.

Cross Industry Collaboration
0 projects funded (5 applications)
$0 deployed

Eligible Programs:
Total Applications Received (0 approved)
Total Funding Deployed across 0 approved applications
Smallest Funding Approved
Smallest approved amount in this category
Largest Funding Approved
Largest approved amount in this category
Average Funding Approved
median across 0 approved applications
($0 mean)
Amount Requested vs Approved
mean delta across 0 approved applications
($0 median)
Average Review Time
6 weeks
Time spent reviewing applications before approval or rejection

Note: We rejected $192,842 of funding requests for 3 applications, each with an average request of $64,281

Developer Experience
0 projects funded (1 applications)
$0 deployed

Total Applications Received (0 approved)
Total Funding Deployed across 0 approved applications
Smallest Funding Approved
Smallest approved amount in this category
Largest Funding Approved
Largest approved amount in this category
Average Funding Approved
median across 0 approved applications
($0 mean)
Amount Requested vs Approved
mean delta across 0 approved applications
($0 median)
Average Review Time
6 weeks
Time spent reviewing applications before approval or rejection

Note: We rejected $7,525 of funding requests for 1 applications, each with an average request of $7,525

Security Audits & Risk Framework
0 projects funded (2 applications)
$0 deployed

Eligible Programs:
Total Applications Received (0 approved)
Total Funding Deployed across 0 approved applications
Smallest Funding Approved
Smallest approved amount in this category
Largest Funding Approved
Largest approved amount in this category
Average Funding Approved
median across 0 approved applications
($0 mean)
Amount Requested vs Approved
mean delta across 0 approved applications
($0 median)
Average Review Time
8 weeks
Time spent reviewing applications before approval or rejection

Note: We rejected $319,475 of funding requests for 2 applications, each with an average request of $159,738