AEZ QF Round 2 Funding Announcement - Fadroma
Team: Hack
Amount Matched: $600
Status: Complete


This grant was approved through the Quadratic Funding (QF) program. The Atom Accelerator DAO contributed to the matching pool for the QF program, and any amount contributed from the matching pool to this particular project is based on public voting and contributions. As such, AADAO is neither endorsing nor otherwise indicating support for this project. Learn more about the Quadratic Funding program. Some projects might have also been funded through another of our funding programs. View our FAQs on how we deal with potential double-funding.

Fadroma is a scriptable orchestrator for building next-generation dApps on CosmWasm-enabled backends.


Fadroma is a framework for building decentralized applications with Rust and TypeScript. From a single token to a hundred-contract DEX and beyond, Fadroma makes it easy to write CosmWasm smart contracts, deploy them, and integrate them into your Web app.

Our operational model treats the blockchain as a seamless compute substrate, and contracts as akin to persistent objects.

Unlike microservices, smart contracts exist in a “post-POSIX” environment, where platform details are abstracted away. Contracts are Internet-native, but shed most of the baggage characteristic for Web 2.0 backends. Therefore interoperation with Web 2.0 systems can be non-trivial.

Unlike cloud functions, smart contracts are individually stateful, and exist permanently on an append-only ledger. While the distributed transaction-based architecture guards the system’s state from spontaneous inconsistencies, extra care must be taken in orchestrating deployments and migrations.


The above properties make CosmWasm smart contracts a very interesting proposition for running standalone business logic with programmable privacy/transparency properties. Fadroma provides the orchestration system for leveraging the full capabilities of smart contract-based systems over the entire development lifecycle.

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Blockchain & DLT Development and Consulting for Smart Contracts, Zero-Knowledge, SDKs, Blockchain Infrastructure, Tooling, DeFi, NFTs and dApps.

Team: Hack
Current Status: Complete
Funding Program: Quadratic Grants
Funding Category: Interchain Public Goods

Amount Matched: Amount we contributed to this project through the matching pool. ATOM converted to USD value. $600
Amount Paid: $600

QF Round Start: Date when the QF round started. We consider this to be the 'Date Applied' Mar 04, 2024
QF Round Complete: Date when the QF round ended and this grant was considered approved Jun 20, 2024 (15 weeks)
Date Complete: Jun 20, 2024

Payments Made: View the DAO DAO prop on our Grants Wallet or Mintscan of the transaction $600 (Jul'24)

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