A grant to build out a notifications (creation) system for the interchain. Allowing dapp devs, wallets and anyone to create and share Subscriptions to changes in onchain state. i.e things like LP APR changes, token value thresholds, Stake rate changes and so on.
There will be a standard set of onchain events that will be free to subscribe to. There is also a provision to allow devs to create their own custom queries and earn and share these. For (a really simple) example, I can create a custom query for an alert when the LP APR on Atom/Osmo is less than 3%. When I do this, the system creates an nft contract for that query. Anyone can subscribe to this by minting the nft (this will be abstracted for users).
I earn from the subscriptions (i.e a daily rewards payment).Idea is that it is mostly free across the AEZ. All gas costs and nfts will be priced in Atom. We think it’ll be a paradigm shift in the UX (user visibility) helping to increase user engagement, velocity and discovery across the interchain.Why nfts? The queries (especially when used in combination) can be black boxes so they need to be immmutably auditable.
We need to know and be able to reproduce whatever any query is doing. Also helps with handling payments and opens up a future where multiple assets or types of assets can be bundled in.