DAOsign is a decentralized and customizable platform where collaboration, authorization, and workflow management are facilitated through cryptographic proofs stored on a blockchain.
DAOsign consists of two components: DAOsign Smart Signature and DAOsign Workflow Orchestration.
Smart Signature is at the core of DAOsign and is based on 3 key proofs: proof-of-identify, proof-of-authority, and proof-of-agreement. Utilizing these proofs, DAOsign provides a platform to design and configure complex workflows that combine smart-contract-based automation with authorized approvals.Currently, DAOsign is on the Testnet: https://testnet.daosign.org/connect. We received grants from Sui, Polkadot, and Mintbase. DAOsign already allows users to store their proofs on Polkadot, Sui and Ethereum testnets.
DAOsign is quite flexible. It’s not just an agreement-signing tooling, it’s an overall workflow orchestration platform. Here are DAOsign use cases:
– Single Document Signing- Commodities Trading- Staking Operations and Assets Management- Grant Programs Management- Human Authorship Verification- DAO Treasury Management- Bounty Programs Management- RWA Tokenization Operations