Cosmos Hub Grant deployed by Atom Accelerator DAO (AADAO) to Leap Wallet for ATOM Gas Station on Leap Wallet
Amount Approved: $150,000
Status: In Progress

ATOM Gas Station on Leap Wallet

Cosmos Hub’s ecosystem has long needed a streamlined solution for managing interchain transactions and improving user experience, particularly in terms of gas fees and onboarding. To address these needs, AADAO has awarded Leap Wallet with a $150,000 grant for the development of Leap Wallet’s ATOM Gas Station.

This grant aims to enhance the Cosmos ecosystem by creating a unified multi-chain view within the wallet, improving the IBC transaction experience, and simplifying onboarding through an MPC-based social login wallet. The project focuses on integrating ATOM as the gas token across the Atom Economic Zone (AEZ), facilitating one-click transfers and swaps, and reducing onboarding friction from fiat.

The grant was awarded to address the need for a more seamless and intuitive user experience within the Cosmos ecosystem. By reducing friction in IBC transactions and enhancing governance UX, the project is expected to make Cosmos Hub the default choice for users. Leap Wallet’s features, including the ability to claim all rewards in one place, liquid stake within the wallet, and use account abstractions, aim to drive ATOM adoption and significantly enhance the overall user experience.

Plus, the introduction of a ‘Preferred Gas Token’ feature will allow users to prioritize ATOM for transaction fees, and mechanisms are being developed to enable users to acquire required tokens using ATOM.

About Leap Wallet
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Leap is an advanced 'super wallet' for the Cosmos ecosystem, with the goal of providing a top-notch user experience tailored for Cosmos users.

Team: Leap Wallet
Current Status: In Progress
Funding Program: Regular Grants
Funding Category: ATOM as Interchain Money

Amount Requested: Amount in their initial application, or for RFPs, their first quote or that of the nearest competitor $150,000
Amount Approved: $150,000 (100%)
Amount Paid: $100,000 (67%)

Date Applied: Jun 12, 2023
Date Approved: Generally includes time spent doing interviews, rescoping or amending the application, and due diligence Jun 27, 2023 (2 weeks)

Payments Made: View the DAO DAO prop on our Grants Wallet or Mintscan of the transaction $90,000 (Sep'23) $10,000 (Feb'24)

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