Funding Dashboard
As an entity owned by the Cosmos Hub community, we believe in striving for excellence in the way we report our data.
Key stats from our funding programs is listed on this page. To browse the applications we have received and/or approved, visit here.
Want to do something else with the data? You can download the full dataset too!
Atom Accelerator Overview
*The total budget for the Quadratic Funding Program ($200k) has been acounted for in our Regular Grants program's spend
($61,032 mean)
Total amount of approved funding by category, across all our programs
Projects with approved funding by category, across all our programs
Projects with approved funding, that our team are actively managing, across all our programs
Data by Funding Program
($81,546 mean)
($0 median)
Latest Projects Funded in this Program
($1,364 mean)
Latest Projects Funded in this Program
($192,857 mean)
Latest Projects Funded in this Program
Data by Grant Category
ATOM as Interchain Money 6 projects funded (21 applications) $420,000 deployed
($70,000 mean)
($43,750 median)
Note: We rejected $2,269,634 of funding requests for 11 applications, each with an average request of $206,330
Latest Projects Funded in this Category
ATOM Interchain Data 4 projects funded (11 applications) $282,551 deployed
($70,638 mean)
($36,989 median)
Note: We rejected $374,375 of funding requests for 7 applications, each with an average request of $53,482
Latest Projects Funded in this Category
ATOM Interchain Insights: Comprehensive TVL & Flow Analytics for ATOM
Data Lenses: Airdrops for liquid staked ATOMs and ATOM PoL revenue tracker
ATOM Zone build-out 14 projects funded (54 applications) $2,007,129 deployed
($143,366 mean)
($0 median)
Note: We rejected $6,849,340 of funding requests for 37 applications, each with an average request of $185,117
Latest Projects Funded in this Category
Cross-Ecosystem Collaboration 4 projects funded (22 applications) $568,380 deployed
($142,095 mean)
($2,500 median)
Note: We rejected $5,148,168 of funding requests for 18 applications, each with an average request of $286,009
Latest Projects Funded in this Category
Infra & Tooling 9 projects funded (68 applications) $555,803 deployed
($61,756 mean)
($0 median)
Note: We rejected $5,718,650 of funding requests for 59 applications, each with an average request of $96,926
Latest Projects Funded in this Category
Interchain Public Goods 48 projects funded (75 applications) $592,100 deployed
($12,335 mean)
($0 median)
Note: We rejected $3,558,200 of funding requests for 26 applications, each with an average request of $136,854
Latest Projects Funded in this Category
Interchain Security 9 projects funded (18 applications) $967,000 deployed
($107,444 mean)
($0 median)
Note: We rejected $984,598 of funding requests for 8 applications, each with an average request of $123,075
Latest Projects Funded in this Category
Cosmos Hub Testnet Incentive Program (renewal) – 2025 H1
Marketing, Growth & Developer Engagement 27 projects funded (100 applications) $967,403 deployed
($35,830 mean)
($0 median)
Note: We rejected $2,444,098 of funding requests for 72 applications, each with an average request of $33,946
Latest Projects Funded in this Category
R&D 6 projects funded (26 applications) $467,981 deployed
($77,997 mean)
($0 median)
Note: We rejected $3,754,483 of funding requests for 20 applications, each with an average request of $187,724
Latest Projects Funded in this Category
Uncategorized / Other 0 projects funded (4 applications) $0 deployed
($0 mean)
($0 median)
Note: We rejected $368,250 of funding requests for 4 applications, each with an average request of $92,063
Ventures 7 projects funded (7 applications) $1,350,000 deployed
($192,857 mean)
($0 median)
Latest Projects Funded in this Category
Archived Categories
These categories have been archived, any active grants moved to other categories and are listed below for reference only.
Cross Industry Collaboration 0 projects funded (5 applications) $0 deployed (Archived)
($0 mean)
($0 median)
Note: We rejected $302,842 of funding requests for 5 applications, each with an average request of $60,568
Developer Experience 0 projects funded (1 applications) $0 deployed (Archived)
($0 mean)
($0 median)
Note: We rejected $7,525 of funding requests for 1 applications, each with an average request of $7,525
Security Audits & Risk Framework 0 projects funded (2 applications) $0 deployed (Archived)
($0 mean)
($0 median)
Note: We rejected $319,475 of funding requests for 2 applications, each with an average request of $159,738