Conflicts of interest are covered in our Code of Conduct policy a copy of which is readable here:

  • Conduct our business activities and transactions with the highest level of integrity and ethical standards.
  • Conflict of interest:
    • All conflicts of interest, including potential conflicts of interest, must be disclosed to the Oversight committee.
    • To not take any business related action for your personal financial benefit.
    • Do not use the Program financial resources for personal use and protect them as if they were your own.
    • Do not take for yourself any opportunities that are discovered or advanced through the use of your position within the Program.
    • No family member should report directly to another family member.
    • Do not accept money, token equity, fees, commissions, or any other financial incentive from any person or business involved in any business with the Program.
  • Bribery:
    • Do not offer, give, accept, or receive a bribe to/from anyone.
    • Bribery and corruption can cause irreparable harm to the Program and the communities where we do business.
  • Fraud, Dishonesty or Criminal Conduct
    • We place a great deal of trust and confidence in our team members. In return, we expect each team member to act ethically and honestly. Any use of fraudulent or illegal tactics violates that trust and carries consequences, including discipline, up to and including termination.
    • We do not encourage taking unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts, or any other unfair dealing practice.
    • If any fraud, dishonesty, or criminal conduct is detected or suspected of any team member or anyone doing business with the Atom Accelerator DAO, such activities should be reported to the Oversight Committee.
  • Employment Practices:
    • Team members must treat each other with respect and dignity.
    • Value the contributions of others and listen to their viewpoints.
    • Maintain fairness in all relationships.
    • Never discriminate against anyone.
    • Consult with the Oversight Committee when suspecting of any unethical situation.
  • Disclosure:
    • Make sure that any business information reported is accurate, complete, and timely. Be certain that any document prepared or signed is correct, complete and truthful. Providing false or misleading records or altering records violate our code of conduct and it will be.
    • Promptly report suspicious transactions or activities and refer questions relating to these topics to the Oversight Committee.‍7
  •  Disciplinary Actions
    • Team members may be the subject of disciplinary action for matters relating to their performance, capacity or conduct, including but not limited to the following:
      • Unsatisfactory Performance
      • Unacceptable Conduct Wilful or Serious Misconduct
    • Disciplinary actions include, but are not limited to, the following:
      • verbal warning/counselling;
      • written warning;
      • dismissal.

This document was last updated in October 2023.